Upcoming New Releases of Greek Myths

New Books About Greek Myth: July 2023 Roundup

Confession: Rachel and I have more books than we know what to do with. We’ve moved a few times in the past year, and every time we move, the boxes upon boxes of books usually take up the most space in the U-Haul.

Yes, it’s somewhat of an addiction, but a relatively mild one, I’d say. Despite having a vast library, we continue to buy new books faster than we can read ‘em. I think I speak for many nerds that we’re not the only ones.

Alas, here’s a monthly series we’d like to do that highlights a few of the coolest upcoming books about Greek mythology. In this version, we’ll talk about all fiction books that are due for release in July 2023. Feel free to drop us a line with anything we may have missed. This first version only features three books, and I imagine we’ll get better at tracking down more. Enjoy!

July 2023 Greek Mythology Books

Girl, Goddess, Queen by Bea Fitzgerald

Release Date: July 20, 2023
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Pre-order the book here
Bea Fitzgerald on Twitter
Bea Fitzgerald on TikTok

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is obsessed with Persephone and Hades right now? This new YA novel from Bea Fitzgerald tackles the complex Persephone-Hades myth and reimagines it in ways that have many reviewers raving. “To hell with love; this goddess has other plans…” the promo reads.

The crux of the story in Fitzgerald’s novel is that Persephone wasn’t kidnapped – she jumped right into hell. “Now all she has to do is convince the Underworld’s annoyingly sexy, arrogant, and frankly rude ruler, Hades, to align with her plan.” Interesting – it was an inside job!

Bea Fitzgerald is a TikTok superstar, which Rachel would know more about than me, so I imagine this one is all over BookTok. One reviewer calls the new novel “funny, fierce, and feminist.” It’s great to see so many feminist re-tellings and re-imaginings of the Greek myths, given how brutal and patriarchal these old stories can be. Girl, Goddess, Queen sounds like another excellent addition to the growing heap of these re-tellings.

Horses of Fire: A Novel of Troy by A.D. Rhine

Release Date: July 18, 2023
Genre: Fiction/Epic Fantasy
Pre-order the book here

One reviewer said that feminist re-tellings of mythological tales are “having a moment.” That’s a good thing. This debut novel by A.D. Rhine is a feminist retelling of the Trojan War. It focuses on three pivotal women in the ancient tale: Andromache, the wife of Prince Hector; Helen, blamed for the war; and Rhea, a war refugee and horse whisperer in Hector’s stables.

These strong but misunderstood women “take center stage in the most famous war in history,” according to the novel’s promo. The book is set in the late Bronze Age collapse, and it has been called a realistic and immersive experience of Troy and its battleground for politicians and warriors. It’s a tale of immense palace intrigue and everyday heroes.

A note about the author A.D. Rhine: it’s a pseudonym of childhood friends Ashlee Cowles and Danielle Stinson, who both had a military “brat” upbringing and a love of classical literature. They are both super-smart, too. Ashlee has graduate degrees in Medieval History and Theological Studies, and Danielle has a Master of Arts and Law and Diplomacy from Tufts University. They’ve always dreamed of writing a book like this together; now it’s a reality. This should definitely be up the alley of anyone interested in Greek myth or epic fantasy.

The Mistress & The Renowned: A Hades & Persephone Retelling (Love and Fate Book 2) by Alexis Rune & Jeanette Rose

Release Date: July 12, 2023
Genre: Fiction/Dark Fantasy
Pre-order the book here

The other two books above are bigger releases from Penguin, and this one is from an indie publisher or self-published. It still sounds cool. The author team of Alexis Rune and Jeanette Rose also take on the Persephone-Hades myth and re-weave a new tale.

The plot goes like this: Hades claims his fated queen, but it comes with an unexpected cost. He’s transported into the heart of a carnivorous tree that’s sapping his power, and he calls out for help. The god who answers isn’t Persephone, though – it’s the “New Queen.”

Meanwhile, Persephone is getting used to being the new Queen of the Underworld and may be struggling with the new role. They’re both plagued by nightmares but must fulfill their destinies. What will they be?

I couldn’t find as much info about this book as the others, but it’ll be released on Kindle at a decent price of about $2.99. You may also be able to get it on Kindle Unlimited (if you pay for that). This one is also Part 2 of the Love and Fate series, so you may want to go back and read the first part.

That’s a Wrap!

That’s it for this edition of new books on Greek mythology. We’ll try to find some more entries for the August edition, and hopefully, they won’t all be just fiction. Non-fiction and more academic books can be cool, too, after all.

Drop us a line if you liked what you read here, and consider supporting some of these authors. All the books listed could be the perfect beach read for this summer – whether they involve the steamy romance of Persephone and Hades or not.

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